Christmas. Paid for. Thank you Swagbucks!

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Random. Totally random.

I got me a big lollipop!!!.....
...and Santa came early this year!!


For some reason I was craving Christmas cookies the other day, so I decided to give it a try with some different cookie cutters. The cookies turned out good and I was having fun decorating them...and Zack decided he wanted to join in and make some of his own. Which, after looking at them, made me second guess how old my husband really is.

The talent....eating a popsicle and decorating cookies!!

The decorating stance.

Our finished cookies!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Silly Hubby

Ok so my camera died and I FINALLY got a new charger since I lost the first one...hence the reason I haven't kept this thing updated!! These might be shorter versions of the stories seeming how I can't even remember when I took these pictures anymore!

The first time I went grocery shopping, I got a little banana-crazy and the bananas got brown pretty fast. I decided to make little tiny banana muffins (this experience made me realize I had no real baking pans except a tiny muffin pan). When they came out of the oven I sliced one open and stuck a piece of butter in it to let it melt...and fed it to my patiently waiting husband. However, my butter wasn't good enough as he jumped off the couch, went straight to the pantry and immediately started smearing peanut butter on them and popping one after another into his mouth. Apparently I "got schooled."

For this next lovely hubby and I were making ice cream cones...and he randomly decided it was my birthday and he needed a party hat. Sadly my camera died before I could capture the cone boob pose.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wedding Photos!!

woooo hooo! we finally got our professional wedding pictures this week! We got some really great pictures...and I edited a few for an extra kick :)

next on the to do list...scrapbooking!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

FuNnY fAcEs!

Well the real story behind these is that I bought a cute shirt and wanted to take some cute pictures with my hubby ;) ended up being a "ooo let's do scared faces! and silly faces! and cross your eyes!"..and so on. And then the other day I happened to stumble upon a photoshop program..and had my own fun.

New Place

This is just a glimpse of the best room in our apartment-we live in a one-bedroom that is pretty spacious for just the two of us. We still have a few odds and ends to buy to make it complete but it's looking better by the day!

Our Special Day

I suppose my first post should be about our amazing wedding. We were so worried that it was going to rain and we would have to move everthing inside. But, luckily, it was a gorgeous day and the wedding went as planned and ended up perfect! Zack and I were thrilled to be surrounded by family and friends that we love and who support us.
Soo I'm attempting to give this blogging thing a shot since we live almost 1000 miles away from our families and friends...and we don't always get to share the stories behind the pictures!