So today I came up with the bright idea of putting all the jumbo packs of diapers I have stocked up under Lexi's crib..therefore clearing almost a WHOLE SHELF in our bath closet. This was some much needed space for my stockpile (which Zack {and me} will freak out if it clutters the house). it is!

Our shelves go past the door frame-which you can tell on the top right side-so there is another row of mouthwash on top and a row each of men's deodorant and shaving cream. The only items I already had before starting was the shaving cream, a few men's deodorant, bar soap (all leftover from deployment), 1 lotion and 1 face wash.
Off the top of my head, here's most of what's all in there:
-5 mouthwashes
-2 eyeshadows
-3 hairspray
-5 shampoo/conditioner
-12 boxes of tampons
-2 boxes kleenex
-2 body wash
-4 floss
-2 Tylenol Precise
-5 Shick razors
toothpaste, toothbrushes, hydrogen peroxide, deoderant...need I go on?
My favorite part: Off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure I only paid between $10-15 for it all!
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