I was really excited about this week's couponing (well, last week) and although I ended up having to take the munchkin, it all went well.
-(4) Crest Mouthwash on sale for $2.99-$2 MFQ= $.99 (you better believe I was all over that deal since Zack is very particular about having plenty of floss and mouthwash)
-(2) Suave deoderant reg price $.97-$.75 MFQ= $.22
-(4) Cascade trial packs reg price $.97-$1 MFQ= $.03 moneymaker each!
-Strawberry Shortcake band-aids reg price $1.87-$1 MFQ-$.75 TQ= $.12
-Garnier Hair Color reg price $6.49-$3 MFQ-$2 TQ= $1.49
-Papermate pens sale $.75-$.75= FREE
-Rimmel Eye Shadow reg price $2.49-$2= $.49
-Up & up pantyliners reg price $.89-$.75 TQ= $.14
-20 4x6 prints on sale for $.10 each-$2/20 TQ= FREE
And here's my baby deals...since I forgot about those until after I put everything else away.
-Transaction 1: Pampers Swadders on sale $8.99-$3 CVSQ for my bday-$2 MFQ= $3.99 + $3 ECB
-Transaction 2: Pampers Swadders on sale $8.99-$3 ECB-$2 MFQ= $3.99
(The Naval Hospital provides these when you give birth-and since we were there 7 days, I got hooked on these diapers, so I am doing all the couponing I can to stock up for the next one!)
-AND I still have a coupon for free bodywash at CVS that were out of stock
-Pampers swim diapers on sale $5-GC= FREE (technically not a couponing deal, but a good sale!)
My couponing isn't always as good as this week, but weeks like this make it all worth it!
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