Monday we (finally) made it a point to go pick blueberries. Way out in the boonies. But we stopped at the first blueberry place we saw instead of where we were trying to go and saved ourselves $.75/lb. Yes, me the coupon freak had to put that in there. We brought Lexi's wagon for the kids thinking they would have fun riding in a wagon filled with toys, sippy cups and snacks. Boy were we wrong.

We ended up spending most of our blueberry-picking time carrying our little ones in addition to our bucket.

Next year, I will go earlier and kid-less. Although, in the end, Lexi had a blast picking some blueberries herself and attempting to eat the ones I picked out of my bucket as fast as I was putting them in.
Our sweaty babies were not pleased to go back into their carseats for the trip home. Little did they know...

...they would be passed out in no time!
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