After growing up and having a real Christmas tree every year, I was bound and determined to do the same when I had my own family. I was shocked when my mom bought a fake Christmas tree and vowed to never buy a fake tree without that yummy pine smell. Then I thought of Alexis and her fascination of poking getting on the floor...poky little needles pricking our hands and shedding everywhere...and I caved. We found a decent priced tree at Walmart that had almost 5 star reviews and I went for it. It was a long process (I think the stand it came with was too small; after Zack took a hammer to the pole to "make it fit", we ended up having to buy a different stand), but it looks good! We set it up after Lexi went to bed, so the next day she got to ooo and ahh over all the sparkly lights and glittery ornaments.
Her special ornament she made with Summer-this is the cutest idea!! Another productive and successful Pinterest find!

I let her hang an ornament..which she just dropped into the tree, picked it back up and then insisted on carrying it around the house.

Playing with an ornament-she quickly realized that the top part came off. Later I noticed her trying to put it back in, which just scratched the ornament up. She ended up breaking it anyway...I guess it was already a goner!

I love her in this dress...I could just squeeze her all day! It's too bad cuddling with mommy is not cool anymore.