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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pudding Pals

Checking out the cute girl in the oven. (with her favorite Halloween "treat"-her pumpkin pencil)Cheese! She did have a really cute flower clip in her hair..which, to no surprise, she yanked out in no time.
She wasn't so sure at first...

Then she got stir happy! (and threw a fit when I finished stirring and put the pudding in the fridge)

Here's a video to re-cap her stirring (and dancing) "skills."


Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Anyone notice a resemblance in a certain little girl's eating habits?

Pasta Freak

This kid is a pasta FREAK. I don't how many times a week she eats pasta-she could eat it every day and be perfectly content. She usually starts out nicely eating with a spoon, then realizes she can use her spoon AND her other hand..and it all goes downhill from there-touching everything around her, rubbing her eyes, playing with her hair...
How do I know this is her favorite? This is the end of her THIRD princess plate full of pasta.
Now I'm off to give her a much needed bath and wash a load of unexpected white laundry.